Devon Ukrainian Association
|English Courses
Онлайн-курс з вивчення англійської мови
Запрошуємо вас приєднатися до нашого онлайн-інтенсиву з вивчення англійської мови
Time & Location
Devon Ukrainian Association
English Courses
About the event
Не втрачайте час, вдосконалюйте ваші знання англійської мови навіть влітку на нашому інтенсивному онлайн-курсі з вивчення англійської мови!
Заняття буде проводити Світлана Степасюк - вчитель англійської мови з 22річним стажем, яка має великий досвід викладацької діяльності як у школі так і індивідуально та зможе пояснити тонкощі English grammar легко та доступно зрозумілою для вас мовою.
Групові заняття будуть проводитись 2-3 рази на тиждень у вечірній час за домовленістю, в групах до 14 осіб.
Тривалість заняття - 1 година. Курс розрахований на 32 заняття, але якщо будуть виникати труднощі з опануванням деяких тем, курс може бути подовжено
Курс розрахований на людей, які вже мають деякі знання, основний упор буде зроблений на граматику, щоб ви могли правильно будувати речення та розуміти структуру англійської граматики загалом.
Ми набираємо 2 групи - Intermediate та Upper-intermediate. З планом вивчення тем ви можете ознайомитися нижче
Intermediate level topics
1. The list of useful and very helpful resources for effective learning English.
2. Pronouns. Types of pronouns.Possessive pronouns and adjectives, 's + nouns
3. To be in present simple. Practice in grammar.
4. Prepositions. Question words. Practice.
5. Word order in the sentence. Affirmative,negative and question forms.
6. Present simple. Auxiliary verbs. Can/have/do. Practice.
7. Plurals.Irregular plurals. Countable and uncountable nouns. Articles with countable and uncountable nouns.
8. How much / How many. Some / any. A lot / lots of. A few / a little. Practice.
9. There is / There are. This - These. That - Those. Numerals. Ordinal numbers.
10. Present Continuous. Affirmative, negative,question forms. Stative verbs
11. Present simple vs Present Continuous. Practice.
12. Adjectives. Comparative / Superlative forms.
13. To be in Past Simple. Practice.
14. Past Simple. Affirmative, negative, interrogative forms. Irregular verbs.
15. Past Simple. Used to. Would. Practice.
16. Past Continuous. Affirmative, negative, interrogative forms.
17. Past simple vs Past continuous. Practice.
18. Future simple. Affirmative, negative, interrogative forms.
19. Will be - going to. Present Continuous / Present Simple future meaning.
20. Present Perfect. Affirmative, negative, interrogative forms.
21. Present Perfect Continuous. Affirmative, negative,interrogative forms.
22. Present Perfect vs Past Simple. Practice.
23. Present Perfect. Have been (to). Have gone (to).
24. Past Perfect. Affirmative, negative, interrogative forms.
25. Past Perfect Continuous. Affirmative, negative, interrogative forms.
26. Order of adjectives. Practice in grammar.
27. Types of adverbs. Too / enough.
28. Conditionals 0, 1. Practice in grammar.
29. Modal verbs. Practice.
30. Phrasal verbs. Idioms.
31. An informal email. Giving advice. An email about charity event.
32. Formal letter of complaint. An email describing something you witnessed.
Upper-intermediate level topics
1. The list of effective instruments for learning English.
2. Word order in a sentence.
3. Present tenses. Already, just, yet, never, for, since.
4. Stative verbs. Phrasal verbs. Idioms.
5. Modal verbs. Can, may, could, would. I 'd like to...
6. Adjectives. Comparative and superlative forms. Participial adjectives. Order of adjectives.
7. Singular and plural. Articles. Countable and uncountable nouns. Quantifiers : some, any, much, many.
8. Future tenses. Future Simple. To be going to. Present Simple and Present Continuous in the future meaning.
9. Past tenses. Past simple. Past Continuous. Used to. Would. Be used to. Get used to.
10. Past Perfect. Past Perfect Continuous. Practice in grammar.
11. Present and past tenses. Present Simple. Past Simple. Have /can / do. Practice in grammar.
12. Present Continuous and Past Continuous. Practice.
13. Present Perfect and Past Perfect. Practice.
14. Present Perfect Continuous and Past Perfect Continuous. Practice in grammar.
15. Present Perfect vs Past Simple.
16. Passive voice. Practice in grammar.
17. Conditionals 0, 1, 2, 3
18. Gerund. Practice in grammar.
19. Phrasal verbs with get and make. Adverbs. Types of adverbs.
20. Relative Clauses. Defining Clauses. Non - Defining Clauses.
21. Reported Speech. Practice in grammar.
22. Phrasal verbs with walk and work. Abbreviations in English emails .
23. Phrasal verbs with carry, take and turn. Practice.
24. Emails. An informal email. Describing person.
25. An informal email. Giving advice.
26. An email about a charity event.
27. An email from a holiday resort.
28. An email describing something you witnessed.
29. Formal letter of complaint.
30. Questions and Answers - Words often Confused.
31. Improving grammar skills. Grammar exercises.
32. Improving communication skills. Practice in speaking.
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